As we eagerly await the National Occupational Standards for ELV depollution and dismantling, we are pleased to report that the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) have now finalised the documents, and will be publishing them this March. To coincide with their publication, ELV Training Limited will be launching their accredited depollution and recycling training programme. Furthermore, our syllabus has been designed to ensure it fully aligns with the newly published occupational standards.

Take an opportunity to visit the new ELV Training website at
to find more information on our courses, our unique delivery method and our modular syllabus.
Currently we are offering 23 core ELV depollution modules with 5 standalone elective training courses, covering topics such as LPG, Air Conditioning Refrigerant handling and Pyrotechnics. We will be adding more content each month, as well as launching a Hybrid and Electric Vehicle training courses before the end of the year. Take a look at what will be available later in 2022 by visiting our training syllabus here:
