Ensuring experienced ELV depollution and dismantling technicians are equipped with the skills required to meet the industry's future challenges.

elvProTech  ©
Our elvProTech© Qualification demonstrates to enforcement agencies and clients alike that staff are competent and trusted professionals.
This course delivers our entire elvTech© Qualification along with a further five advanced courses, two of which are elective to tailor to your technician's or business's needs. Invest in your staff and ensure that your technicians not only have the necessary skillset to support your current dismantling operation, but are also trained ready to meet future business challenges.
Successfully completing and passing our qualification route provides automatic enrolment on the UK's only Depollution Register. A public database set up to ensure candidates, employers and treatment facilities alike, can quickly verify a technician's qualification and competencies.
Our elvProTech© Qualification ensures your knowledge and skills stand out from the competition.
Demonstrate to employers that you have met the requirements of the UK's National Occupational Standards and that you take pride in your automotive career.
This course delivers our entire elvTech© programme along with a further five advanced modules, to ensure you are equipped with the skills to meet today's and tomorrow's depollution and dismantling challenges. In addition, you will receive automatic enrolment on the UK's only Public Depollution Register, ensuring that you, employers and treatment facilities, can quickly verify your qualification and any additional disciplines. Want to show prospective employers that you are serious about your automotive career? Then demonstrate your commitment to go further with an elvProTech© qualification.



5 Specialist Modules =Â

Fifteen core elvTech© modules encompassing all aspects of standard vehicle depollution.
Three compulsory modules including:
Referencing & Retrieving Vehicle Technical Data;
Post Depollution Requirements and Procedures;
Safe Extraction of Diesel Exhaust Fluid.
A further two specialist modules from a choice of thirteen subject areas.
Best practice shared by Industry Experts.
A programme built around the IMI's newly launched National Occupational Standards.
Free enrolment on the ELV Depollution Register (valid for 3 years) with elvProTech© recognition.
Specialist Modules