There is an undeniable prescriptive approach towards workplace training in the UK. As a nation, much like the rest of Europe, we rely heavily on steer from the Law Makers and Enforcement Agencies to define the minimum requirements for any health, safety and environmental training. These legal drivers prescribe what standards we need to achieve and there are clear penalties for those who are found not to meet them. We embrace this prescriptive approach because its obligatory and requires little to no interpretation. But this does not apply to all health and safety legislation training and consequently organisation can find themselves falling short of their duty of care, facing fines or dealing with the aftermath of an avoidable workplace incident, if they are not careful.

Fact: Many pieces of legislation and regulation in the UK do not specify what training is required. This doesn't mean training isn't required, it simply means that the Employer ultimately makes the decision on what is necessary, when it is required, and what that looks like! In other words, workplace training becomes part of an organisation's wider risk management strategy and less about simply fulfilling a legislative obligation and ticking a box!
Typically, when prospective clients approach us to first talk depollution training, they wish to discuss their specific needs in terms of meeting mandatory requirements. In other words, clients may naturally want to discuss specifically F-Gas, Airbags and EV/Hybrid training. We always take this opportunity to gently remind businesses that they may unknowingly be falling short of their legal obligations, when not considering the broader, and equally hazardous tasks associated with handling and storage of lpg, petrol, diesel, oil, antifreeze, the list goes on. Its important for our industry to acknowledge that these "familiar" hazards present no less of a risk to their workforces and their businesses.

Furthermore, any organisation that only budgets for training in terms of meeting what they deem are their legislative requirements, maybe missing the point of workplace training.
Training should fulfil a much wider requirement for employees in the workplace; not only keeping people safe and environmentally compliant, but also instilling defined work standards that will drive efficiency within business activities. If you like the sound of a joined-up approach to vehicle dismantling training, get in touch today and find out what our training can do for you...