About the Course
PPE is particularly important within the ELV depollution and vehicle dismantling sector as there are many risks to consider. This module is designed to provide an understanding of the requirements of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in relation to the ELV depollution and dismantling role.

You will be able to:
Appreciate the importance of Personal Protective Equipment and its use in the workplace, particularly within the ELV depollution and vehicle dismantling sector.
Identify different types of PPE and their relevant applications.
Understand how PPE is used to mitigate and minimise accidents and injury.
Understand the importance of maintaining PPE, and using quality equipment to begin with.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is designed for anyone who needs an understanding of the requirements of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and why we must ensure that when it is used, it is used correctly.
This course is designed for anyone who needs awareness of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) associated with automotive workshops and ELV depollution environments.
This course is designed for anyone who needs technical knowledge of the ELV specific PPE.
No experience is needed to take part in this course, it is aimed at all levels within an organisation or company.
Suitable for operatives, technicians, supervisors, management and those responsible for the selection, sourcing and purchasing of PPE.
Full Description:
PPE is particularly important within the ELV depollution and vehicle dismantling sector as there are many risks to consider.
The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Regulations place a number of essential requirements on employers, not least to provide suitable PPE when the risk cannot be avoided by other means. This module provides a comprehensive guide to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and why it is extensively worn in a vehicle dismantling and depollution environment. The course explains how PPE protects the wearer and the importance of ensuring that when it is used, it is used correctly.
This courses highlights:
What is meant by Personal Protective Equipment or PPE.
Legislative requirements relating to PPE.
The different types of PPE in the workplace and their applications.
Specialist ELV workwear used within the automotive dismantling and repair industry.
How specialised PPE can protect the wearer against blood borne viruses.