About the Course
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ELV Regulations categorise end-of-life motor vehicles as waste (much of which is made up of hazardous materials) and as such, strict controls apply. This course provides an overview of the legal requirements in relation to scrapping, disposal and recycling of ELVs, including their storage and treatment by Authorised Treatment Facilities.

You will be able to:
Offer an overview of the ELV Legislation and the Enforcement bodies in the United Kingdom.
Understand applicable legislation relating to waste sites including Hazardous Waste Regulations and Duty of Care.
Explain the legal requirements relating to ELVs, including their storage and treatment, by Authorised Treatment Facilities (Waste Sites).
Highlight how a typical waste site or recycling centre would go about applying to be an Authorised Facility for dismantling vehicles at the end of their operating life.
Highlight how an ATF would complying with ELV regulations, requirements and meet and report their recycling targets.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is designed for anyone who needs awareness of ELV legislation and enforcement.
This course is designed for anyone who needs technical knowledge of ELV legislative requirements and their enforcement.
No experience is needed to take part in this course, it is aimed at all levels within an organisation or company.
Suitable for operatives, technicians, supervisors and management.
Full Description:
ELV Regulations categorise end-of-life motor vehicles as waste (much of which is hazardous) and as such, strict controls apply.
This course provides:
An overview of the legal requirements relating to ELVs including their storage and treatment of ELVs by Authorised Treatment Facilities (Waste Sites).
An understanding of the European Community (EC) Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), insofar as it relates to permitting, storage and treatment of end-of-life vehicles in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Information on the application process to become an Authorised Treatment Facility for depolluting and dismantling ELVs.
Guidance on how a typical ATF would go about complying with ELV regulations, requirements and meeting recycling targets, including:
-ATF Duties.
-Hazardous Waste Regulations.
-Duty of Care.